I am so flattered, I have received the Versatile Blogger Award ! Thank you so much to The Fashion Huntress for ever so kindly nominating me for this.

Rules :

1. Display the Award Certificate on your blog

2. Link back to the person who nominated you

3. Present 15 awards to 15 deserving bloggers

My Nominees :

1. Little Bliss Book :

2. What We Wear :

3. Heidie Makes :

4. State of Golden :

5. Rad Maverix :

6. Sweet Magnolia Chic :

7. Rubyangel711 :

8. Mimosas and Manhattan :

9. Mid-Day Spritzer :

10. Pearls, Diamonds and Everything Else :

11. Pretty Little Mess :

12. Modish Maverick :

13. Fashion M’Que :

14. Fashion For Lunch :

15. The Coyote Thistle :

There are so many other blogs out there that I think are amazing, these are just some of them. Thank again to the AMAZING The Fashion Huntress for nominating me, and I hope you guys check these bloggers out.